iAstroPhoto v. 1.2.1
User's Guide
IAstroPhoto is a program to assist an astrophotographer in the field. It controls Canon DSLRs directly, and can focus using images from other cameras via the folder watching feature.
iAstroPhoto contains two modules:
Focus Module
Camera Control Module
Remote Shutter Control in Bulb Mode
Requirements: iAstroPhoto requires Mac OS X 10.2 or above
iAstroPhoto can operate with jpeg and tiff images taken with any camera via the folder watching feature.
iAstroPhoto has been tested on a Canon EOS Digital Rebel (300D/Kiss) on Mac OS X 10.3.9 and 10.4.2, and the EOS D20 on Mac OS X 10.3.9, communicating via USB. The features of iAstroPhoto are tuned to the EOS Digital Rebel. iAstrophoto should work in OS X 10.2, but I'm not sure. I welcome feedback from users of other operating systems and Canon cameras.
- Steve Bryson
Feedback and comments should be sent to stevepur@mac.com.